Project Momma Etsy

February 15, 2009 § 2 Comments

Momma Loo has been painting since I was in secondary school, and she has been consistently learning and getting better and better at her chinese ink drawing and calligraphy. Friends would come over and see her painting and just LOVE her stuff, but it has always been a hobby so far. Until now!

After months of dalliance, we have finally started her shop! And guess what, she already sold her first piece, within 24 hours of listing!!!! Woot! πŸ™‚ I have the feeling she’s gonna be very successful!

Mom's Chinese Sparrows

Mom's Chinese Sparrows

You can view her shop here:

I should mention that for now, I am helping her write and put up all her stuff… even though she is really excited about selling, she is not so excited about dealing with computers and foreign-looking buttons, so if the language sounds kinda familiar, this is why πŸ™‚

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